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my love
by steve
It all started when i was in high school 12th grade, she was in 11th, it was near the middle of the school year and i just came to a new school i only new one person and it was a friend from my other high school. It was a she and her name was Jessica she toke me to the table were she would kicked it at and it was all girls. i met everyone and there was this one girl not like any girl she was an angel i mean when i saw her i was just amazed. i knew that i had to have her as my baby. We started talking and we started off good i had her for a class and she sat on the other side of the class, but the funny thing was that i did not know i had her in the class untill she told me. The next day came and i knew that i had to take her out so i told her if she would like to go have lunch tomm after school with the other girls and she said that she would let me know tomm morning.(the thing is that there was no girls going i just told her that). When the next day came she told me that she could i was happy that she gave me a chance but then i rememberd that i told her the girls were going to go so i said that they could not go but she said it was ok she would still go. The whole day i was happy i mean nothing could make me mad. it was a thursday the 26 of Nov. When school was done we left and we went to a pleace near by called the Tustin market place and she told me that she did not want to eat so i told her lets get coffie from the Coffie bean after we left i had to take her home on the way home near her house she gave me a kiss on the side and i told her you missed, i told her give me one more when she gave me this one i turned my head and kissed her on the lips she smiled and gave me her # and later that day i called her and asked if she wanted to go out and she said ya but i will be at my dads place can. she gave me her dads # and i called her that night and toke her out we went and saw a movie after the movie i toke her home before i droped her off she asked me if i wanted to come in and i told her ya why not. when i sat down we started kissing and while we were kissing i just had to ask her and i did i asked i told her "Well you be my lady" and she said yeah after an hour of kissing i had to go it was late. when i was walking out i felt in love i knew she was the one for me. As the moths went on i fell in love with her and i thought that one dat we would get married and be together forever. about 5 months we broke up and i felt like i lost my heart i gave it to her i gave her everything money, clothing, jewlery, love i was so good to her i thought we were ment to be two days later i found out she had another b/f and i lost it how could she i mean what did i do wrong we were so happy. about a month later we got back together and i felt happy again to have my angel back in my life. at past 7 months we broke up again and i could not take it i mean what was i doing why is she playing games with my heart i was so good to her. Today it is 8 months july 26,2004 i'm alone and its inlove with her this is the first girl that i have loved i have dated so many other girls in the past but i have never gave my heart to them and never been inlove. We now dont talk why i dont know her family does not like me that wht she cant talk to me but she tells me that she loves me. isnt it when you love someone so much that no matter what you will stick with them even family because they are the one that makes you happy they are the one that puts a smile on your face they are the thing that makes you want to get up. its over now and i cant believe it its so hard but i have my friends to help me out.... All i can say is Jessica thanks for the 8 months i was so happy and i will never forget you, jessica you will always be in my heart no matter what.

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