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by Tara
I have this problem with myself that I dont like, I dont pay any attention to anyone around me except people I know, and that can make it hard to see the great things that are sitting right across from me. I met Tom in my drawing class that I was taking my sophomore year of high school. I never really noticed Tom until we were given an in-class assignment to draw someone in the class room. My two friends next to me had chosen each other, so I started to scan the room with my eyes, and they fell upon Tom. He was glancing at me from across the room and we just held gaze until he said "Do you want to draw eachother?" and I managed out a "Sure."
I'm am a very shy person and I've always been extra shy when dealing with the opposite sex. But all the sudden I didn't really care about that because I had the freedom to stare at this very handsome guy without having to feel strange about it. But after about a minute, I was feeling strange about it. Watching him stare at me made me feel like he was looking into my soul. I know that sounds really corny but at that time in my life I was very insecure and thinking that he could see my soul scared me.
As time went by we talked more, and when we were assigned seats, I was seated two desks away from him, making talking to him easier. By that time I was completely in love with him and it hurt because I thought I couldn't have him. I will always remember him for 2 specific reasons: One is that he was the first guy to ever ask me out on a date and the day that he did it was after one of the worst days of my life. And secondly, he has been the first and only guy to ever make me feel beautiful. As previously mentioned I was(still some what am)insecure and very overcritical about myself and my body and was also very unhappy.
I write this story because a person like Tom deserves to have it written. I find it truly amazing what a difference one person can make in someones life, even over a short period of time. What Tom gave me, a sense of beauty within myself, was life changing and the memory of him will stick with me until I leave this earth. I also write this story to give encouragement to those who have someone in their lives like Tom. To tell you not to let them slip away because your scared, I did, and I will regret it for the rest of my life.

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