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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > First Date Stories > OUR VERY FiRST DATE TOGETHER!!

by Mz LiLy
i would say that my first date with my boyfriend Tristan was the best. even though he lives in sacramento which is a little far from san jose, where im living. Tristan and I are still both young. he's 14 and im soon to be 14 in september. But being young didn't stop us from loving each other. it hasn't even been a month since we got together. but we decided to go on our first true date.

i've been waiting all week for this day, and so was he! we both decided to go watch a movie and maybe to shop around the mall afterwards. a movie is basically the beginning of a first date! i met up with him and his sister with my cousin and me at the movie theatres. we all went our seperate ways. and i went with Tristan. we bought our movie tickets and went inside to watch the movie. during the beginning of the previews, he told me how he missed me over the last few days. i was so happy that he missed me and i told him that i missed him too. and we continued to talk

During the movie, he was putting his around me. and i layed my head on his shoulders. later at the end of the movie. he told me that i smelled good. i was laughing, because of what he sayd. so then we just went around to go shopping. our first stop was JAMBA JUiCE!! haha.. then we went into AEROPOSTALE, to look around. he sayd that he has to buy something at the store. so i went in the back to look at shirts. when he came to me, he gave me this gift! i was wondering what it was. so i opened it and i saw that he had bought me and AEROPOSTALE SHiRT! he was so sweet =] so i gave him a kiss xD .. while we were walking i toLd Tristan that i wanted to go buy something. before i couLd say anything he knew that i was going to buy something for him to be even, since he bought me something. while walking i was browsing around and found a cologne store. so we went inside. i picked out an ADDiDAS cologne and asked him if it smeLLed good so i can buy it for him. he sayd it smeLLed good and asked me " DO i SMELL BAD?!!" i was laughing so much. so i answered " NO! YOU SMELL REALLY GOOD, BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BUY FOR YOU.. iS THiS OKAY?!".. he laughed and said that i was a d0rk. which i think was a compliment =D

we continued to go into stores and buy more stuff! a while later, my cousin called my cell and told us to meet her at the front of the mall.. so we did! Tristan and his sister went home while i went home with my cousin. my parents were surprised at how many things that i bought home. =X .. i just told them that Tristan bought things for me and some things i bought for myself. then i went up to my room and left the things on my bed. and i went to take a shower. after i was done with my shower i took the things out and estimated at how much money Tristan bought for me!

To my surprise, he spent around a total of 2oo dollars on me. so i called him up and told him that he spent way too much money on me. he told me " YOU DESERVE THE BEST HONEY!" and i replied " YOU ARE THE BEST!" he was so sweet to me and also caring. we talked for a while and he told me that i spent a little way too much money. when i heard that i laughed and told him. you deserve the best. and we both laughed.

our first date together was the best. and i guess that we spent too much money on each other. rather unexpectedly. =D to this day, Tristan and I are both very happy that we've found each other. even though we're both stiLL young, we now know the true meaning of love! =D

** i hope that you too.. will find your true love **

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