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Our Second Date
by Gareth Leow
You were at your desk writing frantically when I came up behind you. I was making a conscious effort to make my presence felt but it seems that at this juncture, your work seems to be taking up your full attention. I covered your eyes and whispered into your ears, shall we go for dinner dear? You didn't reply and I decided to leave you alone for the rest of the night.

The Next Evening

I brought you to a Chinese restaurant and you were delighted with everything there: the ambience, the food and simply being able to celebrate this day together with you was pure joy beyond comprehension. After dinner, we had a slow dance together at the roof access. The night was illuminated with millions of stars and other couples were also around too, enjoying the light gale but in my eyes, there is only you. In my heart, there is none other than you.

While we were leaning over the parapet enjoying the city lights, I held you tight from the back and said: I have a gift for you sweetie. I pulled out a silvery necklace from my coat with a matching Sapphire pendent and put it on for you. You were gushing with surprise. You turned around and looked at me with those lovely blue eyes. Sapphire matches you best dear. I ran my fingers through your blonde hair gently and kissed you lightly on the forehead. I was holding your smooth hands in my mine, playing with your fingers when a waiter interrupted us

Sir, these are for you. I accepted the parcel graciously from the waiter that you had arranged to send me the gifts. I opened the package carefully. Inside was a bound book. It read Gareth & Jennifer. I flipped it open. It read of our life stories, how we met, how we fell in love and continue to stay in love. It was so heartwarming. I just had to kiss you again to express my love for you. You looked so lovely that evening that I felt nothing else mattered in the world as long you are by my side now, with me, this very second. You leaned against my chest and whispered Happy Anniversary. Then you naughtily asked me your house or mine; Now, I really know how much you mean to me and I made a silent promise to myself that I will be the best man for you that will ever be.

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