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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > First Date Stories > Knocking Me off my feet... Love in the ER!!

Knocking Me off my feet... Love in the ER!!
by Im_glad_that's_not_me!
I met him at an online personals service. After days of talking and chatting we met one Saturday night. He came to my house to pick me up, and we exchanged shy looks and many compliments. He says to me "I have never met anyone offline before, truthfully I've been skeptical. Tonight will decide whether I'll ever meet a strager offline again."
We ride to one of my favorite places, a lovely carribean restaurant. I am wearing a flirty dress and a pair of knee-high high heeled boots. I look stunning, but somehow overlook the fact that looks should not be valued more than you will soon discover as did I. We walk to the hostess stand and request a table, we are led towards the table through the foyer of the restaurant. My "lovely" platform boots fail to provide traction on the tiled floors and I slip and fall. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" all the diners turn and see me screaming bloody murder in the floor. While filing an accident report, all heads still turned my way as I let out an occassional wail, I begin feeling very, very ill. A feeling comes over me worse than the sharp pains in my wrists. I feel like I cannot breathe, there's a tightness in my chest and my lungs can't fill. I feel hot, I feel flustered, I feel like the room is spinning. I try to suppress this feeling and hurry out of the restuarant with my date. Praying that is it just anxiety and not a heart attack. We pull out of the parking lot and he asks me where the nearest hospital is so that my wrists can be X-rayed. I realize that the choking, stiffling, squeezing, dizzy feeling is only getting worse and I go into a full blown panic! Rather than leading him to the nearest hospital which is about 8 miles away, I beg him to take me to the nearest immediate care outpatient clinic which was just down the road. I was SURE I was about to die!!! By the time I made it to the clinic my fingernails were turning blue, my face was white as linen and covered with sweat, I was shaking uncontrollably and panting for breath. I run to the clinic window and throw myself half over the desk. "Help me, oh my GOD! I'm Dying!! I can't breathe I'm about to pass out and die!" I start to run around in circles afraid, embarrassed, scared, Begging the people behind the desk to help me before I fainted. I ran to the bathroom after cramps kicked in, and after coming out. I was relieved in more ways than one. I walked out with a smile, still pale and trembling but feeling alright. We went to the real hospital after that because the clinic said they could not help. After waiting 6 hours in the waiting room, we give up waiting and decide to leave. I said I would go to a less busy hospital. Never saw my date again, and I can't say I really blame him. Although we had very interesting conversation in the emergency room waiting area, I can't say that it made up for the embarrassment of the evening.
Outcome: 2 badly sprained wrists from the fall, I had actually suffered a bad panic attack as well, I continued to wear the same high heeled boots and enjoyed 3 additional slip-and-falls in the future, and I am still single. I don't know if my date ever decided to give online love a chance again.

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