I was outside with my guy friend, Nick. We were playing basketball and talking about how I wanted my first kiss and he said I was too chicken to just go up to someone and kiss them. So, when he was shooting, I said that if he made a long shot, I would do something crazy for me. After he made it, I asked him, “What would you do if I went up and kissed you?” He said, “I don't know,” so after my mom and dad went to bed and his parents and lil' sis left for the movie store, I went up and kissed him. It was amazing. Then, as we were putting my hoop down, he went up and said, “Do you wanna’ try again?” I said yes. I wouldn't have it any other away except for me to be "better." so to say. Let me tell ya’, I'm gonna’ do it again sometime real soon. |