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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > How We Met > Love at first......role call?

Love at first......role call?
by Laura
It was my first day in elementary and i was nervous. The teacher was calling role call, she said," Laura Medeiros?" and i said here nervously. Then she moved on," Giuliano?" Some of the girls giggled at his name. He said here and then she moved on.I thought to myself what a strange name. Little did I know that name would someday mean the world to me..........
When i entered middle school in 2006, i thought it would be the biggest change of my life. I had a boyfriend but he didnt go to the same school as me and i was a really quiet person. I saw some people i knew, but they were *too cool* to talk to me. I had many great friends and i was the only one who had ever had a boyfriend. I was singled out as being a smart, weird kid so nobody bothered me. In good time my boyfriend moved back but i broke up with him because i just didnt like him like i used too. 1 year passed, and i was still single. I had crushes for a while, until i started liking this kid. His name was Giuliano. Rings a bell, huh? I loved everything about him. He was funny, smart, and a great guy. We were good friends and when i asked him who he liked, i was dissapointed to learn that it was one of my friends, hoping it would be me. Weeks past and i was still alone. Then one day i came to school and my friend told me that he had asked her to talk to me about going out with him last night on im. Amediatly, i said YES and we started passing love notes to eachother. I had never felt so loved. We would go to the beach and he would put his arm around me. Although we are only 13 and we are only in middle school, i must say that i love him so much that even these words cant explain it.

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