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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > How We Met > I found my angel...

I found my angel...
by MD
I went online on night and decided i would go into a chat room and see how things were. see if i could meet anybody new, and get a friend. I was IMed by a gurl and we began to talk.. i later realized she was not my type but yet we kept intouch and talked when we were online. then thats when it happened.. when i met my angel. me and this gurl were talking and she told me to IM this other gurl , cause this girl we will call CC was buggin her, so of course i said sure what is going on? this girl N. told me and so i IMed CC. and asked what was up. she told me that N thought she was Homophobic. We started to laugh, me being a lesbian myself, it just cracked me up. So i told N that she was not after CC explained where the lines got crossed. I totally understood where CC was coming from and that night we talked for about 3 hours or so online about college and things we both want out of life. We began to talk more and more over that month of august. in september on night after about 8 hours online asking anything and everything she asked me out. I was gonna ask her but i was very nerveous. I knew she was never one for online datiing and i myslef have never done it. We began talking on the phone as well as writtin letters to our houses. In novemeber i drove the 22 hours to see her in RI, i lived in IA and we met, i thought it would have been werid, but it wasnt we got along great and i stayed a month there. we have had our ups and downs in the beginning months but we have worked through them.. alot of people say long distance relationships wont work but we have been proving them wrong since. in a week we will be celebrating our 7 months together. I know if it wernt for N and the internet we might not have ever met, but i bellieve fate has played a big roll and i have loved every minute of dating her and i wouldnt change it for the world.. i truly have found my soul mate, and i will always love her..

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