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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > How We Met > Right Under My Nose

Right Under My Nose
by Niki
I met Josh last year at a cookout held by my advisor for all the first-year journalism majors. We rode in the same car to her house, but didn't talk much.

I remembered meeting him and remembered his name, but I never hung out with him or talked to him. My best friend, Molly, was in class with him and when we were laying out in the sun one day, he walked by and stopped to chat with Molly for a bit.

After he left, I turned to Molly and said that he seemed really nice and how I thought he was attractive. After that, there wasn't any conversations held about him.

This past semester, we were in class together. I sat right next to him and talked to him everyday that we had class. We talked a lot about sports because he kept the stats for both the sports I played at school--soccer and lacrosse.

I soon realized how nice Josh was and invited him over a few times to hang out with Molly and I. I intended to get to know him better and become really good friends...I never thought that we would end up as boyfriend/girlfriend until the day when we completely connected.

We were sitting on the same couch, facing one another and just talking. We involved ourselves in a deep conversation about death, followed by a conversation about religion. We started talking around 8 that night and didn't stop until 3 the next morning, and only did we stop talking because we were both falling asleep.

After that connection, we started hanging out even more and finally one day he asked if we were just friends. Of course we both hoped for it to be more than that, and and since then, it has been more than friends.

I can't say that we're in love but we do enjoy each other's company, as well as how comfortable we are with one another. Everyday I feel that our relationship progresses in some way and it's exciting to see him everytime we get together.

Maybe the story of how we met isn't all that sensational, but we did meet and I feel so lucky to just know him because he is a great person. I've had such bad luck connecting with men and was actually beginning to lose hope, until Josh came along, and since then, I have high hopes for anyone who is dsicouraged because it does happen.

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