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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > How We Met > fiver sean fiver!

fiver sean fiver!
by dawn
Friend of mine introduced me to a computer bbs in 1993. A bbs (bulletin board system) was the way to chat with people and play computer games simultaniously back then. One day in the chat room a few of us are talking about favorite music bands and this guy, fiver, comes in saying "I play a gig wednesday night, anyone coming?".
A little curious, I've seen this persons' name in here before, begin asking: "a gig for what? what is the band called? what kind of music is it? when and where?"
the reply: "some guy named chip, modern folk rock, wednesday at the neutral ground. ya coming? Ok, I gotta go, mail me if you're coming"
"sure, sounds good, what is the neutral ground, and where?" but the mysterious fiver was gone.
the only thing i knew of this person was that his profile said "hunka hunka burning love." (i still don't know what he meant by that; I remember dismissing that person when i first read that profile, thinking the person must be sex-crazed and immature)
Anyways, so that wednesday, i jump back online to try and talk to someone who may be going or atleast knows where this place is. End up talking to a girl, who told me she was his ex-girlfriend. She was a sweetie, gave me instructions and told me the place was a coffee bar. Me and my friend get off work, jump on the motorbike, head toward the place. A commercial is being shot, so we have to find another way to get to the destination. end up 45 minutes late, miss their whole gig. The friend and I split up to go find the people from online.
One girl stops me, asks if i know who she is. I name one of the people from online. She says "no, charlene!" Then I realise the person i am speaking to is an old roomate (and sister of a friend) from 3 years ago.
Then the friend I arrived with, taps me and swirls me around and starts introducing me to the people from online. new faces, old friends, chaos, computer names, real names. i said "TOO much! Never be able to remember y'alls names with your faces." Then, yet another person gets my attention by grabbing hold of my shoulders, shaking briskly back and forth inbetween each name; the computer and real-life name, "sean-fiver-sean-fiver."
Once home I told my roomate who went with me "I think he's the one." She chuckled, thinking I was just "in love" again.
i remembered him. We spoke several times during that next week and arranged our first date. Which was actually just me tagging along with him to a gig. Also noticed he had very close female friend, he didn't get on well with me but that's another story :P . (peanut bar gig in 'first date')

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