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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > Long Distance > We Found Each Other

We Found Each Other
by Carol
I never believed in online relationships or that it’ll last. I always hear all these horror stories of online relationships. To make it even harder, it would be a long-distanced relationship. A few friends of mine that have been in a long-distanced relationships always tells me not to get involve in one because it just brings too much pain and all it brings is heartaches. I’ve always listened to them until I met my love.

It all began during the summer of 2000. I was bored one day in August of 2000 and I was searching for something to do online and I saw this banner at this teen matchmaker place. So since I was bored I decided just to sign up just for the heck of it. Like I said, I never believed in online relationships or does it last that long either and meeting someone that I can actually share some interesting conversations with was no way. Well, after a couple of days on there I happened to stumble upon Jared's (my current boyfriend) profile and just from reading his profile, I already had this sudden feeling that I knew he was different from other guys. So after reading his profile I send him a letter saying hello and just starting a conversation. When I got a reply back from him I never expected much. We kept writing letters back and forth throughout that whole year and our letters just got longer and longer. It was incredible. It was amazing because I actually found this friend who I can share anything with and I can trust him. By November of 2000 I started to kind of develop a feeling for him but I just put it in the back of my mind, knowing it was probably just a crush I had and it'll be gone. By the time February came along I knew I had to tell him. Jared also called me for the first time for my birthday in February and we finally heard each other's voices. The second time we talked that same month I knew that I had to tell him, I told him I had something to tell him but I just didn’t know if it was the right time and if it was the right choice either. I never got the guts to tell him on that phone call. On March 5, 2001, I told him I had feelings for him. I could hear my heart thumping really hard just waiting for a reply after I typed that to him. He then told me that he had feelings me for me too and he didn’t want to get hurt or ruin the friendship, one of the obvious reasons. That was the actual day we decided to start a relationship together.

Right now Jared and I are still trying to get through this long-distanced relationship. Everyday we would talk to each other and just reminding each other that we’ll make it. Jared always tells me that we have to get through the bad to get to the good stuff… I agree with him. It’s just really hard not seeing the one you love because of this distance. We both know though that our love will get us through this and we will be in each other’s arms someday soon. We would call each other sometimes to hear each other’s voices and then him and I would send pictures to each other. We know that we’re meant for each other, there’s just no doubt about it. You just know when that person is the one you’re going to spend the rest of your life with. There’s this feeling there in our hearts that tells us that we’re meant for each other. We’re connected in mind and heart and Jared and I will not let this distance ruin this relationship. We are planning to work out someway and see each other during next summer.

I am glad I gave a chance to long-distanced relationships. If I have not, then I would have never met my boyfriend. His love that he tries to show me everyday, and his sweet and caring heart helps me get through this. I thank God everyday that fate has found a way to bring us together. I also thank him everyday for bringing so much happiness into my life even though this distance does make me depress sometimes he makes it all go away and I love him for that. I love you Jared.


I am living in California right now and just trying to live my life without the guy that I love for now. My boyfriend, Jared, lives in Hawaii. I am deeply in love with him and always will.

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