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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > Long Distance > Man of my dreams...

Man of my dreams...
by Tanya
Well I really don't know how to start his story off but somewhere will have to do. I met a wonderful guy on the internet he was full of life, spontanious, and loved the things i said to him. We had been talking for over 2 months and we decided to meet. Finally the man of my dreams and i knew when we met the angels would whisper in our ear's PERFECT. When he should up we took one look at each wrapped our hands around each other and gave the most passionate hug i think anyone could give with there clothes on. Our lips met and we shared the first kiss together. That night he asked me to go back with him to live with him in another state, new people, and different surroundings. And i said yes. I wanted to be with this man because i can honestly say that I loved him, and still do. As i packed my bags, and got my things together I felt like the only woman in the world in love, I felt alive. I was as giddy as a school girl. As we left my state and started heading towards my new life, my new home everything around me was alive, the scenery, the new smells. I was happy.When we got there we shared a wonderful night together, along with many other nights to follow after that. A week later he had come home from work and as soon as he had gotten out of the truck i knew something was wrong. He told me things have changed and basically sent me back to state i was from. I have no clue what happened and I never got any answers, but I do still think about him everyday,and miss him terribly. I think we were the perfect couple as the angels had said when they whispered in ours ear before. Some people don't like change, and some have to deal with it even though they don't want to. But have u ever wondered if that person who ever broke ur heart still thinks about you? If so you should feel lucky to go to bed every night knowing you love someone with all u have even though there not by ur side, you still have love though.

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