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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > Lost Love > Beautiful Tears

Beautiful Tears
by Gareth Leow
Her breathing was so light that I could barely hear it. There was a lingering feeling of warmth, peacefulness and calmness that verged on serenity at the break of a new dawn. It was a cloudy morning and the vast, white sky was teasing the sea with drops of drizzling rain. I see it from afar where the tiny ocean currents were merging into gentle lapses skimming the surface of the water. I hear it from her when the regular beating of her heart rhythms against her chest. I could almost feel the playful wind tickling my skin as her smooth, soft hand ran down my face; neck, resting neatly into my palm. The same gentle wind that had the palm trees swaying to the tune of the morning song that the wind was conjuring.

She was still asleep, ever so peacefully. The room was still and quiet. Memories of last night flooded into my mind as I sat down where she sat. My feet in the exact spot where she had placed them earlier, right on the ledge in front of the clear panel window that overlooked the large clock tower. I remembered hugging her from behind. She was quiet like a dove, elbows on her knees, hands cupping her sharp chin, not making a single noise. I had my arms wrapped around her small waist and placed my chin on her right shoulder. She gladly welcomed my warm embrace and pulled my hands into hers. We sat there not talking. There wasn’t a single star in the sky, not the moon, not even the artificial satellites. The sky was pitch dark, the rooms had no lights on, the only source of light was the large clock tower, where both our eyes were evidently on. Save for the occasional cars whizzing by way below, and the neon lights, the night was perfectly romantic.

It was a mood changer, just like her. The clock face changed hues frequently; purple, pink, blue, green…I placed a small kiss on her cheek. Then I saw it, the shiny tears that were escaping from the corners of her big eyes. The soft light that was casting shadows from afar, gave me another perspective. She was crying because she loves me, she couldn’t bear to leave me? The thought of a girl really loving me gripped my heart, was I worth her love? The reality check startled me. I loved this girl and the girl I loved was crying. A million thoughts raced through my mind and they all crashed and burned at the same juncture. The only words that I managed to blurt out were “Don’t cry”. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand. When she cried, it made me vulnerable; the sense of being a true man, the masculine factor and my ego, everything was smashed at an instant. The girl I love was crying because she loved me. Did I hurt her unintentionally? I held her tightly, I kissed her, I squeezed her hard and hugged her. What could I do or say to her that will prove my love for her?

Whispering into her ear gently of my everlasting love for her, I told her that all I ever wanted was for her to be happy, always. She nestled me into her arms and tapped my arm gently, seemingly trying to coax me into sleep. I responded by closing my eyes. I could hear her soft whimpering again. Those tears that were falling out of her eyes onto her nose bridge, I could almost feel them, feel her pain. “Why are you crying?” She shook her head gently and said “I… I don’t know.” She hugged me tight by lying on my chest, crying to herself, overrun with melancholic emotions. I just held her, close to me; she seemed so fragile at this moment. Dressing my fringe neatly above my brows, she looked into my soul; her large eyes were bright, sparkling with her tears that I could even see my own reflection. Her voice was soft, her words so strong. “I really love you and want to be with you.” I showed my appreciation with no simpler action than pulling her close to me and hugging her tight. “I feel the same way too.” I love this girl with all my heart, with my life.

She fell asleep near my neck, her warm breath blowing against my skin. When I awoke, there was only her in my universe; her soft breathing; a peaceful sea; a calm sky and a wonderful night of memories that will last a lifetime. I kissed her soft, cherry red lips gently and vowed silently to myself that never again will I let her shed beautiful tears. The morning mist had cleared; the slight drizzling had stopped; the sky had turned a pearly white. I admired the panoramic scenery outside our bedroom and realized that the large clock tower had stopped moving since last night. Time had stopped for us, this very morning. Clasping her hands into mine, I fell deeply asleep into her dreams, dreaming a future; together…of her and I.

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