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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > Lost Love > You'll never know

You'll never know
by Unknown
I look back at the days, where
there were no worries about life.When I thought I would never be alone.When I thought there would always be something or someone there to guide my way, and keep me warm at night.But now I look at you, and I cry everyday, because I know I'll never have that.I know you will never be by my side when I cry, when I need someone to tell me its ok.I feel soo alone,watching people falling in love, and living their lives, but to me there isnt life.Because you are my life, and you will never be mine.I know I will never be able to come to you, and have you hold me.To reassure me of the next day to come.You will never hold my hand,and look into my eyes, and feel the same love and passion I feel for you.Because it's never been there, and it never will.It hurts me soo much to see you living your life, and knowing I'll never be in it.To see you look at me every day, and see only a old friend.But the fact is, I miss being your friend too.I miss being able to joke and laugh with you.I miss it when I could just talk to you, and you would answer me as a friend,and see me the same way I saw you.But now I look at you and see a stranger.And I know you look at me and see the same thing.I can see it in your eyes that you want it to be like it used to be.Just friends.But the fact is, I want to be more than that.I want you to love me.To make me feel like I belong to you.But the thing is, you dont know how I feel, and even if you did,it wouldnt matter.I would never be more than a friend to you.but the thing that hurts me the most is that I'll never hear the words, that I would tell you a thousand times."I love you".

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