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My Best Friend and Lover!
by AngelBaby
It all started when I was in the 8th grade , I was having a skating party for my birthday....I was handing out invitations in the hall when I seen him for the first time ,it was his blue eyes that caught my attention! I didn't even know him but gave him an invite! The night of my party came and he showed up!! At the party his friend came up to me and said come with me and took my arm and pulled me along , mind you I was on skates !!! He took me over to where the blue eyed guy was standing , put me right in front of him and after a few minutes of nothing being said his friend was like will you be his girlfriend or what ?? I said sure!! Well from there we hung out at school and talked on the phone and one day he walked me to the girls locker room door and that is where we first kiss!! And what a kiss it was , it lasted forever it seemed! I didn't want to pull away! Well for reasons I can't seem to remember we broke up like a year or so later! Well that was 16 years ago .... We have always stayed in contact , he has seen me through 2 failed marriages , has been there for me just to talk or make me smile! About 3 years ago we started to become lovers , which I will tell you that was the most wonderful experience of my life and it still is when we get together!
We tell eachother we love each other we just don't have the full commitment issue right now ....He travels with work and may be leaving for over seas for a year!! But this man was my first true love and will forever remain my true love!! This only proves that fate has their plan for us all , we all have lessons to learn before we can have what we are suppose to have!! Oh by the way that kiss still makes me weak in the knees and it has not changed one bit! It is just as passionate as the very first one!!

It was by CHANCE that you met , By CHOICE you became friends , But by FATE you became soulmates!!!

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