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I finally found the love of a lifetime
by Danielle
It was a pretty warm day in May of 2001. I got up and got dressed to go to work. When I had got there, I finished up all my paper work and was bored to death. Since I already had the internet on my computer, I decided to see what was going on in the chatrooms. I just popped in and started looking at peoples profiles. Then this guy started to talk to me. He told me his name was Keith. We started to talk in the room for a good while and then we traded email addresses. From that day on, I found myself talking to this guy for hours! Everyday in fact for a couple of months. I found myself getting up earlier each day, just so I would have extra time to talk to him. I knew in my heart it was wrong to talk to Keith because I was already seeing someone. I was happy and didnt want things to go wrong between me and my boyfriend. We both worked in the same company and I felt guilty sneaking and talking to Keith. After a while I didnt care. Keith was always sweet and showed that he cared for me. I thought to myself at times "How could someone possibly care for someone over the internet?" You definitely can. I found myself telling him about myself and all that I have been through. We talked about the good, the bad, and the ugly. I told him my fears, my goals and my dreams. We both started to get close and open up to each other.
Then one day, I got into a huge fight with my boyfriend. I was so upset and didnt know who to turn to. I knew in my heart there was only one person that could cheer me up..and that was Keith.
You see my boyfriend started to change. He wasnt like the person I first met. His personality changed and he just took me for granted. All the things I did for him, he just didnt show that he cared anymore. I cried myself to sleep many nights. Wishing that I could just meet someone who would treat me with respect that I needed. I have been in several bad relationships. I was abused and threatened, and treated like S**T.
A couple of months passed, and I decided to lose contact with Keith. We didnt talk over IM for a good 5 months. I tried and tried to work things out with my boyfriend....but he didnt want it to work. Then sometime in January of 2002, my boyfriend decides to break up with me. I felt like my whole life died. I didnt know who to turn to. Not my family, not my friends, no one. I was in complete depression and just wanted to die. Soon after that I quit my job and went back to school. The school loved my work and decided to hire me part-time after class and tutor students. I was very happy about that. Little by little things started to pick up again.

One day I signed on to MSN and went to check my emails and to see who was online from my buddy list. I saw that Keith was online. He couldnt see that I was online because I had him blocked. I felt terrible and decided to unblock him and immediately he started to talk to me. Asking where I have been and how I was doing. I had such a guilty feeling for not talking to him. I wanted to make things better between me and him and possibly fix our friendship. I had told him that me and my boyfriend were no longer together. Keith was very supportive and showed that he was there for me. I started to cry to myself while talking to him. Me and Keith have been though a lot. Even though we just talked over "IM" felt like we were a part of each others lives. We talked about how our day was and all the good and bad that was happening in our lives. We got along so well.
Weeks have passed and Keith asked me if we could finally meet. I was so nervous. I made promises to meet him and then break them. This went on for a little while. He sent a picture of himself to me one morning. When I saw his heart started to do jumping jacks. He was beautiful! I then (of course) wanted to meet him. We talked about meeting and I kept telling him how nervous I was and how I would get all shy on him. He called my cell one night and I saw that it was him calling and I purposely didnt answer because I was so nervous that I would get tongue-tied and say something stupid. He left a sweet message saying that he really really wants to meet me and to call him when I was ready. I called him back and talked to him for exactly 15 minutes. We made plans to meet that week.
It was exactly March 15, 2002 @ 2:05pm when we met. I had told him to meet me in front of where I worked. I brought a friend of mine with me just in case this guy turned out to be some nut job. I was jsut playing it safe. I expected to see someone totally different from the picture. I was wrong. He was exactly how he described himself...but better. I approached him and kissed him on the cheek hello. The amazing smile that he shot back at me was incredible. He was dressed in a suit and he was looking so good. I didnt say much. I was thinking "Oh my God!, he's incredible!" Shortly, my friend took off after I gave her the "get lost" look...we took a walk in the park and sat and talked for 2 hours. All I could do is blush and look down. I tried to look at him but each time I did I would just feel myself floating. He asked me for the hug that I promised him since the time we first talked. I turned and hugged him. It was good long hug. He then said "I have waited so long for that". Then I dont know what happened! I turned and grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. I am not the type of girl to do that....It just felt right.
We started to see each other every weekend, and with each time that I saw him...I felt myself falling in love. I can easily say that he IS my first love. His beautiful eyes and his soft warming touch always out me at ease. He was definitely a gift from God. Little did I realize that when I thought my life had died, lol it was only beginning..and Im so glad it was beginning with Keith. He is truly and amazing gift from heaven. I thank God every night for giving me one of his angels. I knew the day I really loved him was when he took me to the beach to look at the stars like he promised to show me. It was amazing. Laying there on a blanket next to him, looking at the stars...feeling his heart beat...I knew. It was real what I was feeling. It was definitely love. It was something so different and so scary at the same time. I knew it had to be love. It was like nothing ever before. I thought I knew love and I thought I had experienced love....I was so wrong. I looked at love straight in the eye that night, and it was him. Each time I looked at him...I saw my unborn children through his eyes. He is all I ever needed in this life, and all I ever will want. Im extremely thankful for him. He breathes life into my soul with each kiss. I love him, appreciate him, and will ALWAYS be true to him.
I finally found the love of a lifetime. I love you Keith.

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