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my prince charming
by Lindsey Gale
It all started in April of 2001. I was getting ready to leave with my choir to disney world to sing. The choir and band were both performing in epcot in orlando,Flordia. Matthew and i had never really met but we hung out with the same crowd. We knew of eachother but not really knew one another. We were in Disney World for a week. During the day we would go to the different parks and have a lot of fun. At night we would come back to the hotel and get all dressed up and go out to dinner. We had the same number of girls as we did guys in our "group" so we desided to have little "dates" going on. I was matthews date. We really didn't know eachother so it was kinda strange. Something about him though i started liking. He was very kind and sweet and was a complete gentleman. After about the third day i was just head over heals for him. I just loved everything about him. I loved spending time with him and talking to him. The last night we were there we started holding hands and being all flirty. I thought he really liked me. I knew i really liked him. The last night he said he needed to talk to me. So we went out by the pool and talked. He was sorta "dating" this other girl, he was going to prom with her and everything.The other girl though sorta liked someone else, but he was really stuck on her. I said i understood and i was completely bummed i guess cause i get hurt all the time i was used to it.He told me though not to close my door all the way because he did like me he was just confused. So when we got home i just let it go, but 3 days later he asked me out on a date. we have been together ever since. He had to take the other girl to prom simply because he had already asked her. He suprised me though, he came to my house the night before prom all dressed in his tux and brought me a flowers and made me a cd and we had our own little "prom" right him my living room. Matthew and i have been together now for a year and a half. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me. If it wasn't for disney world the most madgical place on earth i wouldn't be with my very own prince charming.

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