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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > My First Love > You'll always be in my heart

You'll always be in my heart
by Pamela
I was in 6th grade when I met Seth.I was moving back to Mexico,but my parents were still here in California.I was going back to my old elementary school.I was only gone for 5th grade,so I pretty much knew everybody,everybody but Seth.

One day during lunch time,one of my girl friends came to me telling me that Seth wanted me to be his girlfriend,and I said "tell him I said to tell me in my face!",so a week passed by and one friday after school Seth asked me to be with him in front of all my friends,and I offcourse I said YES.We did alot of things together,we played during lunch with the friends,we attended birthday parties,and kick back parties.

One day he asked me to come to his house to celebrate his little sister's birthdday,so I went and I met his mom and other relatives.It was cute.A week after I also had a birthday party for myself and all my friends were there and Seth was there too! It was really fun,we were playing kissig games and offcourse I got kissed by my baby boy!

Time passed by and Graduation day was there,I had a party and like always the friends were all there and that was the last time I seen all of us together.My parents brought me back to California aand I attended junior high,but I didn't like it.I was always thinking about Seth and the school we were supposed to attend together.After 8th grade was over I went to Mexico to visit my family,and I saw Seth but we didn't talk. One of my old friend told me that he was single for almost 2 years and that he now had a girlfriend,I felt sad and I came back to California as soon as my vacations were over. A year after I went back again,but this time it was to celebrate my "Sweet 15"I had a big party and Seth was there but only for 5 minutes. I was happy,really happy. That day he told me to met him in the park in the morning,so I went and I spend all day with him just talking about things that we have done.Two days later my sister went to his house and she told me she seen a picture of me in his wall. I felt pretty special. A week before I was coming back home I spend another day with him,it was also cute we were talking about the type of music we liked.A week after that I came back home.And I never saw him again!
I just graduated from High School,and I have a baby with my husband Gabriel,this guy I met during my Sophmore year.I love Gabriel and Aaron very much.But Seth will always be in my heart!

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