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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > My First Love > True and last love

True and last love
by Nonna
My fiancee was my colleague at work. First objected that he join our team work cause his friend was also my colleague and i disliked him as he has no principles at all. Pepole started conviencing me that he is far better than his firend and i have to give him a chance and not to judge things like this. We rarely talked to each other unless there is some common work between us. Sometimes i felt that he do care for me....if i felt tired or something bothered me at work i receive a call from him on the same day to see if i was okay or not. This confused me as on the next day he acts as if i was not there. Few months later during a farewell party to one of our colleagues we were seated opposite to each other at this restaurant and we talked to each other & i knew that he was engaged before but he realized that his choice was not correct. I had my hair cut on this day and i looked different. When i returned back home the tel rang and it was him. He told me that i looked cute on that day and that told me that he noticed that i was sad on that day and i really was for a reason. I claimed that it was because of work problems
..etc then i was surprised that he asked me if i am engaged or not. The answer was no and i understood that there is something he needs to say but he wants first to make sure that i'm free. We started talking to each other every day and every day passed i was sure that he cares for me & i become attached to him. One day i was going to a place and i don't know the directions so i asked him if he can come with me and he did. On our way back he told me" i want to tell you something"..i felt that he'll confess that he loves me...i asked him not to say anything but before i finish my sentence he said"i love you" i was so embarressed and i had nothing to say. He said that he is not expecting me to give him an answer now or even say that i love him but he will give me the time until i am sure that i love him. He was so sure that i'll say it one day. He added that he liked me before he saw me!!!!from what he had heard from his friend about my personality. He said he loved me when he started to work in the same company and the more he knows me the more he loved me and the more he is sure that i am his right choice. 02 months later i told him that i loved him. We have been with each other for 02 years and we are now engaged. Our engagment day was the happiest day in life for both of us. I hope that i will make him always happy as he deserve all happiness in life cause he filled my love with true and last love.

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