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My Truest Love
by Cassandra Marie
Jesse and I met in a chat room... the story is so wonderful it is almost too good to put down on paper or write in words. The first time my love talked to me was to find out about my screen name. He instant messaged me and asked me what my name meant. I didnt think that anyone would know what my screen name truely meant so I told him like i told everyone else that it was my dog's name. So I didnt talk to him anymore. My love was very persistant though in trying to get to know me. He instant messaged me again and we started talking. At first about nothing then about everything. I was going through so much in my home life and I used my love as someone I could cry to. And he was always there for me. It didnt matter if it was 3am or 1pm he was always there for me. I can remember the first day that I realized I was in love with this wonderful and beautiful man. I was talking to him and I had begun to notice that I would get online and wait for him to come on so I could talk to him. My heart was aching to see him and feel his touch and to hear his every sweet word to me. His eyes looked deep into my soul and he couldnt even see me. He would let me see him on his web cam whenever I was talking to him and I would just sit there with an odd little smile on my face and think... "I love this man with every fiber of my being" and that feeling grew every day. I was married at the time to an awful man who didnt love me or my daughter. I told my love everything that was going on and he told me one day that he was a Superhero and that he was going to save me. My heart soared so high I am still not down yet. I would talk to him more and more; and my love for him grew and grew. Each day I would tell myself, "I have never felt this way about anyone." It scared me but it thrilled me at the same time to know that I had such deep and wonderful feelings for this man. He was everything I had dreamed about when I was a little girl playing house... I used to imagine a handsome prince would come and rescue me and carry me away into the night and we would be together forever and ever. Well my prince came and rescued me one sweet day in June. He came and brought me flowers and told me he loved me and kissed me so gently. It felt like I was in heaven. It felt like I was being swept away and protected by the most wonderful man in this whole world. He is my love, my hero, my knight in shining armor, my everything. Most of all he is my very best friend. My Jesse...

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