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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > New Love > The Moment!

The Moment!
by Jessie Lynn
Well it all started with a friend i had Bryan. We met and hung out. Bryan had a friend named alan. Alan would come out with us on ocasion. Well Bryan and I went to the villiage Inn to get a bite and he called to tell me he was bringing his friend alan. So we go to lunch and that is when i saw Alan i thought he was amazing but i didnt say a word to bryan or anyone for that matter. Well alan would come along with Bryan and I sometimes and that is how i got to know him better. The day I knew I wanted nothing other than to be with alan was when we went to find bryan some non-shiney shoes and alan had came along. In a shoe store we were looking at all the shoes and Alan picks up these ugly all white ones and holds them up i look at the shoes and i look at him and then our eyes meet for the first time and we had a moment. A real moment like nothing in this world it was like a movie. Literally the world stopped and time was not an issue. I couldnt breath all i could do was look at him in his beautiful eyes and i was completely paralyzed and mezmerized. And i knew then i had to have him to be with to hold and to touch. Well i had a old friend or ex-boyfriend come into town from out of state to stay with me for the weekend. I had asked alan to come over and help me pick out the outfit to wair to pick him up at the airport. Granted my outfit had been picked out for days. That was the only thing i could think of to say to get a chance to be alone with him. Well my friend missed his flight that night and alan and i ended up hanging at my house alone instead. That night he had told me he was movoing in two weeks back to his home town out of state. I thought to myself only two weeks. He never left my house until he moved. WE spent every day together and night, for two weeks that were a dream come true till he left. I have never felt anything like it before. It was like a fairytale a wish or dream come true like the lord had answered every prayer i had every asked for and every one i didnt. Now he is gone and it has only been four days. I am lost without him. I had only spent two weeks with this man and a lifetime with out him and i am completely and uterly lost now. I was complete for two weeks of my life and now i am more empty then when i started. knowing now how bad it hurts with him gone i would not change a thing. All this emptyness and pain is worth two weeks of complete bliss and if we never get back together or if he doesnt move down here i will never find what we had again i will never be able to fill the viod in my heart. To get to the point It was love at first moment in a shoe store. It was then that i was completely changed and i will never be the same again. And i will thank god everyday for that moment and every second since. And for giving me a man to be so proud to know and so honored to be a part of his life even for a moment. I had always dreamed and prayed of a man so great as my grandpa and if i found one a fraction as respectable as my grandpa i would never ask for anything else and i met that man. His name is alan and In that one moment my dreams and prayers came true and i am truely grateful. Now Alan is in louisanna with my heart and i never want it back it belongs with him. And now all i can do is wait to see wht happens now.

I miss you somuch baby. I t feels like an eternity without you. come HOME! where you belong

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