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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > New Love > From my heart to yours

From my heart to yours
by Nate Little Dog
I can remember the first day I met her, she was so sweet, kind, polite, honest, caring, funny, and was able to lift my heart and soul to a whole other level. In alot of ways I gave up on looking for love not long before I met her and thats when I met her. I wasnt sure what to say and I didnt expect what happened between us to happen, it just did. In the time I've gotten to know Michelle, I knew there was something different about her, something very special. At first it was a friendship, then the best friendship I've ever had and now its love. She knows I love her so very much, I try to tell her that everyday, because its very very true. I've told her so many times that she truly means the world to me, that I want to be with her, hold her, kiss her, and share my life with her and even though time and distance just wont allow it right now and it may not ever happen, my love for her wont go away, she has a very very big place in my heart and always will no matter what. If and when I get to show her everything she is to me, it will take a life time to do that and I'm very much willing to do that. She knows that I'm willing to wait,not sure how long but I am willing to take that risk and wait and see what time and fate do. So thank you Michelle for comming into my life and making it the best it has and possibly the best it will ever be. You truly have the biggest, sweetest, most beautiful and kindess hearts on earth. I love you more then words can ever say.

I wont ever forget you know matter what happens, I cant say how grateful I am in words, only way is to show you. I love you so much Michelle and once again you mean the world to me

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