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From friendship to love
by Brandon
It all started a little over a year ago when i met the love of my life, faith. we met at a summer camp. it started out as me liking her best friend. we hooked up and started dating, but it just didnt work out. see, they live in texas, which is a little ways away from me. but throughout this time me and faith had been talking on the phone. we soon became best friends. we talked constently on the phone. we had gotten to know everything about each other. i had never been that close to a girl before. well after me and her friend broke up, we stayed in touch. we just couldnt bare to stop talking. so over the months we talked everyday. a few months ago i discovered that faith liked me a little more then just a friend. and as i got to thinking about it, i realized i liked her too. so we flirted around on the phone and began liking each other more.
finaly, this summer came. we had been planning on seeing if i could go over to texas and visit her for a few days. we asked and begged till finaly our parents gave in. it was finaly happening. i was going to visit faith. i was so excited! i wasnt sure what was going to happen between us, but boy was i in for a suprise! i finaly arrived at faith's house. we were still in shock that i was actualy there. we went inside and settled down. we hung out for a while, then finaly it happened. we kissed. we'll unfortunatly it wasnt great. but later on in the night, we tried again, thats when i knew i loved her. from that point on, we where wrapped up in each other. so wrapped up in fact, that we didnt hear her mom coming up when she caught us. but as we lay there holding each other and passionatly kissing, i began falling deeper and deeper in love with her. just looking into her eyes, feeling her body breath against mine. it was like a dream come true. for the next three days we we're totaly wrapped up in each other, mentaly and physicaly. i learned that i loved every single thing about her. i love her more than anything in this world.
it finaly came time for me to leave, and it was hard. we gave our last kiss and said goodbye as i drove away. now i miss her more than ever and cant wait to see her again. we talk for hours everyday. it seems like i cant sleep, i cant eat, i cant even listen to the radio without thinking of her. i've never felt this before. she is the first girl i aver truly loved. im in love with the most beautiful, smart, funny, most amazing girl in the whole world. and im treauring every minute of it. i want to spend the rest of my life with her. and hopefully i will. we never would have thought we would go from best friends to soulmates. now everything is perfect, we're in love. her best friend who i use to date is totaly supportive and happy for us. which is the way it should be.

to the girl i love more than ever. your my friend, my lover, my beter half. baby your my everything until the day were we can live on front porches and swing life away.

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