Heart to Heart |
by Seri Noorfidiana |
In life, nobody is perfect. finding a true love is hard because one have to be good to be true. nevertheless, one should never ever promise to anyone just to prove true love...one have to be just themselves but not be somebody else.Nobody would enjoy to be a hypocrate. Anyway,people do change and this things causes differences in life and also due to this one do suffers hardship too.Basically, being ourselves means we have our own personality and our own identity and one do feel dissapointed and heartbroken just because of a past.But..... what if it is unforgettable?won't that leave a mark in the heart! well being friends at first and taking step by step to know sombody is better because one do have to get to know each other and maybe in future they will become SOUL MATES.No matter what ,i hope my relationship with this somebody will be long as i really treasure his friendship as my best of friends...
be the best of friends!!!
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