we look into each others eyes, we see our life, our heaven our destiny as god made us for each other so perfectly. endless nights we cried alone, wondering, wishing, praying for one another. the first time we looked into each others eyes, it was known, deep in the soul, in our hearts god could have only made us for each other. since that time, we have grown stronger,deeper in love, a love that is soo comforting, you know with out question you are blessed. thinking nothing of this world, only the one we live in for eternity. we dance with each other in the clouds and our dreams, we share one soul, one heart, one life. our heaven is in each other, no lies, no false persons, just a true and eternal love soo deep, only god could create it. I pledge my love, my honor, my soul to this woman!! my wife, my angel and best friend she always will be. nothing feels better then her love and those 4 words she always says to me
i love you askim.
to you my loving wife