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You are Here: Home > Love Letters > I Love You > My Flame Will Burn Forever

My Flame Will Burn Forever
by Sasha
Dear My Love (P. R. G.),
This letter is meant only for the one that I love deeper than the well that leads to the burning flames of hell. But anyone who's willing to read it my proceed because it's for the world to see, but solely for him to feel. First my love I just want to say that I love you, you've heard this many, many times before but I not only want u to hear it I want u to feel it, taste it, breathe it, decipher it, to comprehend its extent and it's power. My love for you that burns deep within my soul is more powerful than the volts of electricity that runs through the veins of the prisoner being executed, more powerful than the venom running the the valves of the veins of the victim bitten by a tarantula. There really isnt any way for me to describe the depth, the capacity of the love that I hold for u in these words, these lyrics that I composed for you, its impractible! You are the first thing on my mind when I wake in the morning, the last thing on my mind when I fall into my nightly slumber. You my love, aside from my mother, are my reason for being, my reason for living and my reason for enjoying life in midst of all the evil we're surrounded by in this world. For if I hadnt met you honestly I feel my life would have been destruction, failure. You helped me change for the better, in ways you may not even be knowledgeable nor aware of, in ways u may think diminutive,but I know are colossal! U saved me, you helped me find my way,find who I am & to this day as I journey in self discovery you are still right by my side truduging the sometimes dark journey and the sometimes bright journey like a soldier. And for this I thank you, I love you, and I appreciate you in my life. Sometimes it may seem as I dont, but baby I'm working always making you feel apperciated and loved infinitely as u do me!!! So baby I just want u to know that you are a wonderful, eccentric,and inspirational person who will go far in life. I know right now we have many obstacles ahead of us but we will conquer each one with ease, as long as we stick with one another, even when times seem unbearable, as we have thus far!!!! I love you more than life itself and sorry for any times when I may have made you think otherwise!!!! Keep doing what you do and MY LOVE will burn for you FOREVER!!!!

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