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Now That You're Gone...
by Lauryn
Dear Aaron,

You came into my life not too long ago and I didn't think anything of it. We were friends and we got along so well, but I never imagined I'd be falling so hard for you. We became very close but yet we were so distant. The more I got to know you, the more I wanted to be with you.

You always made me smile and without you I'd be very different. You have changed me in so many ways. You make me want to wake up in the morning to see what life is going to throw at me each and every day.

As we became very close and we talked all of the time, you then told me you had to leave. You had to go back home and you couldn't stay anymore.

That night I thought about telling you what lay within my heart, but I decided not to. Your friendship means so much more to me. We still talk now and then and you are coming back to visit soon, but I can't help but think about you all of the time. Every morning I wake up, during the day, and before I go to sleep you're always on my mind and even in my dreams I see you. I wish you knew how strongly I feel and that I am falling in love with you.

One day I will tell you, but for now I will see you in my dreams and hold you close to my heart. I love you so much and I can't wait to see you again!

Love always,


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