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You are Here: Home > Love Letters > Lost Love > Now I Can Move On

Now I Can Move On
by Shorty
Dear Smiles,

You meant so much to me that words can't explain. You've been by my side through thick and thin. You taught me how to see the world in another's eyes. You helped me find who I really was, and who I want to be, you filled my heart with so much joy, but then something went wrong; it was in a blink of an eye how you took it all away. You started to fade away, and I begun to see who you really were. We said good bye and that we'd meet again, maybe even go back out! Today I see you ... you're so different. People tell me that you've gone down the wrong road and you're not doing so well. I think of all the memories we shared and I want to thank you. I wish you the best, like you use to tell me, "Reach for the highest star, follow your dreams and heart and you will get what you want; don't let the haters bring you down." Thank you very much! You left a hole in my heart when you walked out the door, but maybe now I can move on.

Love always,


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