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You are Here: Home > Love Letters > Second Chances > I Would Have

I Would Have
by Erika
Dear Jarrit,

As time goes on and we're apart, I think of how things could have been. What we could have said or done to work things through. I would have been more understanding and not so judgmental, more loving and not so hurtful. I would have told you I loved and cherished you more often. That there can never or will ever be another person who I admire like you or who has reached the depths of my heart like you have. I would have told you that I'm so very proud of how far you've come and the things you have accomplished. But how could I find the words or actions to explain to you just how much I love you. It would take a million lifetimes to even comprehend my feelings. I would have told you that you took my breath away the first time I saw you. I would have told you that you made be believe in love the first time you kissed me or stole my heart the moment you uttered those magical words. I would have told you that every time I looked into your eyes I saw my destiny. My one and only. My soul mate, my best friend, my lover, my husband, my inspiration, and the father of my children. I can still close my eyes and feel the softness of your lips against mine and your tender fingers as they caress and explore my body. I would have told you that my knees and entire body would shake every time you looked deep down into me with your eyes. And made me feel like you could read my mind and soul. Life just isn't life without you. I wish that there was a way to make time stop and go back to a time when we where happy. We both know that before we can go back to being one, we need to change things about ourselves in order to make this relationship last. I hope that one day we can find a way to get past this, but until that day comes I want you to know that I will wait for you a lifetime because my love for you is never ending. Don't let our love fade away and our memories be scattered to the winds. I'll wait until you come back into my arms (where you belong). I'll love you from now until death and forever on. And there is nothing or no one that will ever change that.

Love Always,


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