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You are Here: Home > Love Letters > Second Chances > Please forgive me & I promise

Please forgive me & I promise
by Hotshot
Kid (sorry) Athena,

We both made the same mistakes. We listened to much to our famalies and friends. When what we should of done is; Listenened to our hearts, our souls and God.
Please forgive me for destroying our lives, and for ever setting you free. In my heart and soul I still belive, WE were ment to be.
1. I promise; No lies, only the truth, even if it hurts.

2. I promise; To Adore, cherrish, honor and Love you as long as I live. And to Prove It in my Eyes, my Heart,my Actions and my Words. But, words are nothing if their not backed up by ACTIONS.

3.I promise; To provide for you the best I can. I'm not rich, but I am a hard worker.

4.I promise; To allways be true to you, no Cheating, I'm not the type.

5. I promise; We only move forward, I will not talk or write about the past. If you want to know something about the past, Just ask. If I want to know something about the past, I wait! until and if you are ever ready to talk about it. Then I will, LISTEN! If you start a conversation and it gets uncomfortable, you may stop it at any time.
Completely not unother word. The presant and future is open to both, But you still have the VETO power, over it.

6.I promise; I will, make more mistakes, but, to Learn from them, Own them and pray for forgivness for them. And Ask for Forgivness From You for the same, and maybe a little patience while we re-learn each other.

*Note* I'm older now, but don't tell anyone though. I've got them all convienced that I'm really only 21 with several yrs experiance. I'm a little over weight (I'm working on that-Truth). I'm still learning diffrent things. I'd like nothing more, than for you to be my teacher, for how ever long it may be-------Life!

I understand we are diffrent people now. But, the essance of who we are and why we are, has never changed, and it can't. Were still the same were it counts, Our Hearts and Souls.

I just ask that you give US a Real Chance, Time, to grow Togeather Again, Real Time, a Real Effort, Thats it.
Well if this were paper I'd draw for you, but it's not, and the drawings? They havn't changed!
Love you Allways & Forever!! Hotshot
The kck kids hotshot @

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