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So Much To Thank You For
by Lauren
Dear Mike,

It has been two years since I've last held you in my arms. It is not fair how our years together feel so short, yet our time a part feels so long. Thank you for showing me to how to number our days.

The first time I ever laid eyes on yours, I was captured. It was not the way you introduced yourself or the way you shook my hand, but the look in your eyes that captured my heart. Thank you for showing me that love at first sight really does exist.

I was convinced you were really something special. I felt it with every beat of my heart. Little did I know how right I was. As time went on we developed a friendship that I thought could only develop over years of knowing one and another. Thank you for showing me that friendship cannot be measured by the amount of time spent in one and another's life.

Then you gave me that chance where I was yours and you were mine. In that single instance all my dreams had come true. Thank you for helping me realize that dreams really do come true.

We had so many wonderful times together. Some of our days were filled with adventure. In those days you brought out a side in me I never thought existed. Thank you for showing me that I too could be daring.

Then there were days filled with so-so moments. Those days are the ones I've cherished the most. Because, I would think for hours on end about happiness that I never thought that could exist between me and another person. Thank you for showing my happiness.

We also had our hard days. There were fights and they could have rattled the deepest depths of the ocean. We always recovered. Thank you for showing me how to forgive.

You always made me feel beautiful. After basketball, or when I was sick, or when I was waking up ... you always made me feel as though I was the most breath taking creature to walk the face of this earth. Thank you for showing me I was beautiful.

Then we broke up. It was hard. It has taken me years to recover. But, now I want to thank you for showing me how to let go.

Love always,


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