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Love Line
by Mailia
I have a friend who really wanted to meet someone special. She first started going through the personals. She met quite a few decent men. Every time someone did not work out for her she would set them up with me. At first I did not know these men had gone out with her before they met me. When I found out I was outraged because I felt like these men were her leftovers. I was thinking they weren't good enough for her but they are suppose to be good enough for me. She explained that things just didn't click with her and these men. So I gave her the her the bennefit of he doubt. She decided to join this thing called Telepersonals because it was free for women. She told me about it and I listened to her phone conversations and most seemed pretty good. So I decided to get a voice message box. I thought if anything I would have some good phone conversations. I met quite few nice men and some not so nice. I found alot lied about their description. I Had so many messages, about 10-15 a day. Not to mention men with the same name. Most of them said it was my voice and ethnic backgoung seemed exotic. I had to keep index cards so I would not get these men mixed up. Well I met over 20 men and in one weekend went out with 7. I thought to myself this has been real but I had enough. Well I checked my last messages and decided to leave a general message in my voice box stating I'm retiring my box. I had one last message and decided I got back to everyone else I might as well answer this one. We talked through an option called live talk. He asked me to call him at his home#. I called and had a wonderful duscussion. We talked for almost two weeks 2-3 hours a night before we met in person. I thougt it would be OK to meet at my apartment because before I met someone I would give one of my girlfriends the 411 on the person. He was late and I'm a person that likes to be on time. When he finally arrived he had a rose in one hand and a bottle of Baileys in the other. We talked well into the night. Near the end of the evening he told me when he saw me he wanted to kiss me. I asked "how do you feel now" and he replied the same. I said " what is stopping you, not me." He leaned and gave me a soft kiss but yet firm enough to let me know he was serious. He ended up staying the night. Everything just flowed. We took our time just getting to know know one another. We felt so comfortable it was as if we had known one another before in a former life. The bueatiful thing is after a very long courtship we finally got married and now planning an addition to our lives. We were meant to be.


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