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Nov. 3, 2003
by Mufflit
November 3, 2000

In November 3, 2000, the day I met him face to face, I never thought that it was the start of a new chapter in my life that would change me so much. I never thought that I would meet the man of my dreams, my Prince Charming. I never thought that day would be one of my favorite moments of my life and become my own personal holiday and the day that I would remember as long as I live.
That day, I thought that it would be just first and the last date with him. The date went perfectly even though the movie, “Dr. T and the Women” was a bad movie for a first date. However, he watched the movie while holding my hand, so it doesn’t matter what the movie was about, I just enjoyed the feelings that I had as we watched the movie together. I never thought I would have my first “real kiss” that night either. I would never forget that kiss and if I could keep in a box, I could someday show it to my children and to teach them how Romeo kissed Juliet or explain how Snow White can be woken up by a magic kiss. I went to bed with a smile that night.
Since that night, I always have someone to make that last call before I go to bed to say “goodnight”. And someone to make the phone ring to wake me up in the morning and say a sweet "good morning".
After that night, I waited with fond anticipation all week to see him again. That weekend I cooked dinner for him. It was our first dinner together, the first of many wonderful dinners that we would have together. I knew that I wanted to be with him again, and I knew he felt the same way because he told me with a small card with a purple teddy bear that was holding a rose.
“I’ve been waiting all week for this weekend. I will try to make it very romantic. Just know I miss you every day I can’t be with you. ---Shawn,” the card said.

My heart melted after I read it. I realized that I was falling in love with him. However, I didn't want to show him, because I was worried that I would scare him away. And I knew that he would leave Alaska in 3 years. However, he made too easy for me to love him. I just couldn’t fight my feelings. Day by day, I found myself so in love with him and I knew he was falling in love with me too, because he told me so.
Since November 3, 2000, we have gotten through many things together. We have proven that we will be there for each other in good times and bad. I will never forget when he slept on the floor of the hospital for 2 nights when I was hospitalized and took care of me when I was too weak and in pain. I will never forget how he eased me when I was freaking out because I lost my bag in the mall. Or when he asked me to keep our relationship going even though he had to leave me in Alaska.
Being away from him is too hard to do because I am used to seeing him everyday and kiss him and be in his arms at night. I feel like he took my heart with him. However, I am willing to wait or to do anything so that I will be with him again, and have the chance to love him forever or until I die. However, I know that even if I die, he will be always in my heart and soul.

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