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Prom, A Magical Night
by Sherry
Me and my boyfriend Brian both went to the same high school and were in ROTC together, and had a lot more in common. I liked him, but just never thought we would ever go out. There were rumors going on around ROTC that he was going to ask me to prom. I ignored it because i was never one to listen to rumors. One day when I stayed home from school because I was sick, I got a call. It was Brian. He asked me how I was doing and I said ok, I had the runs. This embarrased me so much. I'm a very open person, but I think I was a little to open then. We kind of laughed it off and then he asked me if I would like to go to prom. I said yes, so a couple days later I was picking out my prom dress. During the time between us going to prom and him asking me to prom we got a little closer but didn't consider ourselves "boyfriend" and "girlfriend". So we all met at my friend Tim's house. Once he got there, he was very polite and gave my mom and dad a hand shake, i could tell he was nervous. So the limo came and all 6 of us got in. We cracked jokes and had fun on the way there. Then we were messing around and Brian jokingly went to cover my mouth. He put his arm around me and covered my mouth. Once he let go, I grabbed his hand and just looked at him. We walked in to the prom building together, found a table, then socialized with some friends. Then we started to dance. At first we were just joking, then before I knew it, he had pulled me close. Our cheeks kept brushing together and we kept almost kissing, but nothing happend until the 3rd to last song. He whispered in my ear and said,"You know I have to leave in a few months". It was his Senior year and my sophmore year and he was leaving for college 6 hours away in Arizona. I said, "I know". And we kissed. We then realized that we have been missing out on eachother all this time. One the way home in the limo we spent the night in eachother's eyes and on eachothers lips. It was the most romantic night ever.

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