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God-led Online Love
by unconditionally_in_love
Online success stories really do happen, here's proof!

For about a year I had been doing the online personal ad thing. In December of 2000 I got an email from someone that happened to glance at my ad and decided to reply. He had not had any luck with any other people he'd either met or replied to. We emailed back and forth a bit but when I found out he was four years younger, I blew him off. He continued to pursue talking with me, but only as a genuine friend. I'd been going through relationship after relationship, heartbreak after heartbreak. Through it all he was there for me. Finally in March of 2001 I decided to give up on the whole dating/online thing. But I had secretly had strong feelings for this "friend" that had kept in contact with me. I decided to let him know how I felt. It just flowed out of me! From there we started chatting every night and pretty soon he asked me for my mother's email address. I thought it a little peculiar but went ahead and gave it to him. He then told me that he was going to ask permission from my mother to "court" me. I was flattered. Little did I know he was secretly planning a meeting and setting this up with my mother so I wouldn't know. We lived about 4 1/2 hours away in different states. One day when I got home from work, I smelled men’s cologne. I blew it off and started towards my room. My mom said, "Travis wants you to call him ASAP" so I went to call him. As soon as I stepped into my room, he jumped out of the closet and said, "Aren't you going to call me?" I jumped so high! (We now joke around about him "Coming out of the closet" when we first met! LOL) Now, I had never seen a picture of him because he refused to send it. He wanted me to like him for him and not his looks. He's seen many of me. But I knew it was him right away. We had a wonderful weekend together, dancing on a dock at a lake near by, going to dinner. For the weeks to come we'd drive down or up to one another's house and he'd stay on the couch at my apartment when visiting. On a Thursday I got a call from him at work and noticed the caller id said my home number. Again he surprised me by coming to my house, this time a day earlier than planned. All day he and my mother went shopping, little did I know for an engagement ring. Keep in mind this was now the end of April and we'd just met in person in March, December on the net. So Friday night we went to a Rainforest Cafe. He acted totally weird that night and I thought maybe he was mad at me. Nope. He asked me to marry him that night! Of course I said yes. We were married June 21st of 2001 in a little town named Story, Wyoming where we'd picked out the most beautiful cabin for our honeymoon. We're now on 7 1/2 months and loving every minute of it. I moved in June to his state and I love our little town. So it's true, love really can happen on the Internet

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