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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > How We Met > Serendipity

by Khryssie
It was a beautiful sunny November day back in 2000. I had just gotten back to my apartment from school, and was checking my email.

"Same old people" I thought, I was read letters from my friends back home. Then...
"Hmmm...what's this" I wondered as I saw a familiar yet unknown name..."why is Kevin writing me?"

Kevin was a friend of my at the time best friend. I had heard a lot about him, but never had the chance of meeting him. He was from my home town, but had just recently moved back to the country he was born.

Sparking my curiosity...I decided to reply to Kevin's email...which had been one of those fowards that you fill out about find out why he had emailed me, a complete stranger.

The night passed, and the next morning, I awoke and once again checked my email. Kevin had written back. He said that he accidentally hit "reply all" instead of just "reply" sending his reponse to my friend and everyone she had written to.

Kevin and I started exchanging emails on a daily basis, and we began to speak on MSN instant messanger. As time wore on...we became really close friends, and although we had never met, we both could not deny there was a physical attraction between the two of us.

I knew my friend whom I met him through was not happy at the situation. You see, they dated a while before, long before Kevin and I met. None the less, when he returned at Christmas time to see his friends and family, she took me to a bar, and Kevin and I locked eye's for the first time in our lives.

We ended up spending the 2 weeks he was home together. I met a lot of his family, and spent every night at his place. We got to know eachother a lot better. By this point, my friend decided she was not going to talk to me. So I decided to follow my heart, and remain friends, perhaps more with this handsome man who entered my life out of no where.

Fast forward to 2002, May. I am sitting in Kevin's room, in his birth country. It is my thrid trip here in a year. He had made two to my hometown.

We met by chance...I lost my best friend...but things couldn't have worked out better. It was a fortunate accident...a serendipity..that is what him and I are.


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