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Nothing More Than Friends
by Holly B. was alot different then how modt love stories are.This is how it all began...Last year I went out with a guy named T.J. and ofcourse I met some of his friends that we went to school with. One was Howard.While me and T.J. were together I became frinds with Howard and we started to talk often, even after me and T.J. broke up.Last summer I was on the phone with him and his friend Justin, whom I had never met, was there.Howard had also introduced me to his friend Josh, we started to talk when we were bored.One night he called and Justin was there, Josh and his little brother started to get in a fist fight, so he told Justin to talk to me.I thought he sounded cute , but I didn't really think anything about it.He called the next day from his house, saying that he forgot Josh's number , and wondered if I remembered it.Well Josh always called me so I didn't.Justin said,"Well I'm bored so I guess I'll talk to you, if that's okay?"I said yeah, I'm bored to."Well we started to talk more and more often, like eahc and everyday.With that we got close and started telling our thoughts, secrets, and whatever else was on our minds.When school started again Justin and I still hadn't seen eachother, but the first week we had both seen someone we had wished we had talked to, but we were both afraid, that was the cool thing about us, we thought just a like.Well, that Friday the highschool had a football game and I went to go see my boyfriend at the time.I thought I heard Justin's voice , but wasn't sure.Then I saw the same guy I wished I would've talked to there.Me and my boyfriend were sitting on the bleachers watching the game with his friends then all of the sudden, "the guy" came and sat down right beside me.My boyfriend said hey, man you need to keep your distance Justin, and he laughed and said man whatever.I knew that voice, so I asked my boyfriend the guys last name,
it was the guy I had been talking to all summer.So I told him who I was,later that night when I got home Justin called,He told me that I was the girl he had wished he would have went to talk to.Since then we've liked eachother,but I had a boyfriend.When me and the guy broke up, Justin had a girlfriend.Timing just wasn't our thing.So I started going out with someone else, but I still liked the guy I fell in
love with the moment I saw him.Me and the guy stayed together for a while, I know it wasn't right , but I thought Justin gave up on me when he satrted going out with someone else, so I did the same.Then one day we told eachother that our feelings towards eachother hadn't changed.But I stayed with the other guy because Justin had become my best friend , I didn't want to go out with him, knowing I like someone else.He was too important to me to do that to him.When me and the guy broke up, well you know what happened me and Justin were FINALLY together.We've been together three months now, but it feels like forever.He helped me when I needed someone, when I felt like I had no one
else.We were always wishing on the same star, literally.

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