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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > How We Met > A Year and Half...

A Year and Half...
by renevie
I was one of those compulsive chatters in 1998. I used to go to MIRC and chat all day long. I was drawn to it because I felt there was another world and of course, lots of online friends. There was this one chatter whom all talked about, especially the females. I didn’t care, really. I’m not online to find someone anyway.
After a few months, an online friend ask if I want to attend an Eyeball party of one of the channels and it was held at Katip’s Grill. Apparently, they’re celebrating their one-year anniversary of their channel. I said okay since I don’t have anything to do that evening. I went with my boyfriend and friends.
When we got there, I was skeptical to meet them because I don’t go to that channel, meaning I don’t know anyone there. Anyway, we were standing in the hallway and my friend started looking for them. Suddenly, somebody approached us and asked if we were with the EB and we said we were. I don’t really remember the face of the guy that approached us, but I later found out he was the chatter everyone’s raving about. His name by the way is Yoyong.
He led us to our seats and then we all started chatting and got to know everyone very well. Suddenly he began to talk and he caught my attention. He was looking at me while thanking everyone who attended the party. He looks handsome and he was very nice.
We left early that night. Maybe I was afraid that there was something in me stirred when our eyes met. I had a boyfriend and that’s it.
I continue to chat and all along I saw his nick. Occasionally I messaged him and ask for mp3’s and that’s it. We never talked. He just sends me the list and then I download the songs.
After a few months, I stopped chatting. I guess I just got tired of it but I still attend EB’s though. We still saw each other when attending EB’s but never talked still. Then I lost contact with everyone I knew.
About a year, I broke up with my boyfriend. There was nothing to do so I decided to turn on my computer and surf the net. After awhile, I decided to log on and see who was inside the chat rooms. It was in the wee hours of the morning so I was not surprised to see if there were no people inside. I just stayed there and continue surfing the net. Then I heard a beep somebody had messaged me. It was Yoyong. Apparently, we’re the only ones left in the chat rooms.
He asked me how I was and asks for my boyfriend too (He was a chatter.). I told him we broke up. He said that’s too bad but if there’s anything he could do to help just asks. Well, I told him it was better off that way.
Then he invited me to go out sometime, but I declined. He asked for my number, but I didn’t give it. Maybe I wasn’t comfortable giving my number out yet. But I ask for his number so I’ll be the one to call him.
One day I decided to call him, but when I did he wasn’t home and soon completely forgot about him.
Three weeks had passed and I log in and saw his nick. He messaged me instantly and said he waited for me to call again. I told him I lost his number. We decided to meet and have coffee in SM Megamall (Biggest mall in my country, Philippines.).
It was Friday afternoon, when we had our coffee. After chatting awhile, he invited me to go to a bar. Again, I declined because I was already tired that day, but went anyway because of my friend’s persistence.
I enjoyed that night and since then, we started going out every day and enjoyed each other’s company. He called me every night and after a week, he told me he love me since the very first time he laid eyes on me and wants me to be his girlfriend. I was expecting it to happen because there was this connection between us, but I was afraid. I carefully thought about it and told him if he’s willing to wait since I was just in a relationship. He said he would and we kept going out as friends.
After a month we went to Mindoro, a beautiful island surrounded by water and smooth sand. It was a perfect location for two people in love.
One perfect night, we strolled down the beach and held hands. We stopped and I told him that I love him too and I would like to be his girlfriend. It was a beautiful night filled with stars twinkling above. It was magical. We were both so happy…
It’s been three years now… we’re still together and very much in love. It had taken us a year and a half to fulfill our love. But it doesn’t matter. As long as we love each other, it doesn’t matter…

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