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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > Long Distance > Believe & Love

Believe & Love
by Willma
I would like to share with you the most extraordinary feeling I experiencing. It all began when Daniel and I met one sunday afternoon by the end of the month of may of 2000. I was beggining in the fascinating world of the internet and for me chatting was something new and fun,
especially the part of meeting people from all over the world. But Daniel from the first time a saw him in one of those chat rooms, inmediatley grab my attention, not only by the way he introduce himself so polite, but for showing his self so charming and loving. We became friends, but didnt speek for several months later, until august of that same year. But when we found again we got more accuantied with each other, we both notice certain chemical since the first minute, so after a while we knew and realize that this would go beyond the cyberworld, so both, athough afraid of this type of relationship, got armed with courage and declared our love. Since that moment he has became the meening of my life. So we planned to meet, dream that came true on july 5th of 2001. Obviously our anxiety kept us moving each day, hoping that the days would went dreaming of the moment when we could see ourselfs in each others eyes rather than conforming our souls with pictures on emails, also walking beside holding hands. And that moment came true just like we imagine. Daniel traveled from Venezuela to Puerto Rico just to share five wonderful days together, and in deed there were the bests. But unfortunately he had to go back home, but before he left, he looked at my tearfuls eyes and made me a promised, he would come for me one day, so we could be together forever, our love was real!. Time has pass and today we have a mutual savings account and with that hopes very high. Soon we are going to celebrate our first anniversary of online romance, but with all our future planes in mind and love in our hearts, we plan to celebrate future occasions together.
Thank God we belived that it could become real and most of all that we belived in each others love.
Today he had a surprise for me he said:"Darling, make reservations, we are going to celebrate Thanksgiving together"...he keeps his promise and my heart burning, because I never stop beliving.

Hi...I'm a 31, female, M.D., from Puerto Rico and living the most amazing moments of my love

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