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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > Lost Love > true love is when u lose that loved one and they come back...or so i thought

true love is when u lose that loved one and they come back...or so i thought
by mindi
Never experienced love from my mom and dad...i always wanted to have someone love me. for the longest time i prayed every night to god to have an angel sent to me so he could love me. then one day i met this wonderful guy. we were so crazy about each other that we tried to spend every moment possible together. i had never experienced love like i did with him. he made me feel so safe and wanted. he loved me more than my parents had ever loved me. we got really close to each other and fell in love so hard. we experienced everything for the first time together. my mom saw how close we were and how much we loved each other and got mad and jealous and tried to keep me from seeing him, but she couldnt. so she gave up. we did everything for each other and i got really close to his family. a year and a half went by and he started to take me for granted so i tried to ignore it but finally i couldnt. so i broke up with him. at first he thought it was a joke, but it wasnt i just didnt want to be treated the same way my parents treated me. i wanted to run back to him so bad but i kept strong. he cried and cried for months...and really had a ruff time excepting it and he wouldnt let me go. but i had lost my feelings for him...but still loved and cared about him. well he finally decided that we could atleast be friends and i did too. so we started to hang out again. i fell back in love with him...and i felt so happy...happier than i had been for all the months we werent together. we were back in love with each other. i got done with school early so i didnt get to see him everyday like we used to. and then some new girls came to my school and since i had moved an hour away from my school i didnt know...and he told me one day that he was losing feelings and that he didnt want me anymore. i felt so hurt and cried so much. i later found out that he had a new girlfriend within 3 weeks after we broke up for the second time. and it was one of the new girls that went to our school. i felt so much pain and cried. i had no one to love me anymore. but now i just leave him alone and have let him go somewhat...but i dont think my heart will ever totally let me let go of him...he meant to much to me but i guess theres no such thing as true love...its just horrible how i had to fall back in love with him and then he leaves me...if i wouldve known this all happened i wouldnt of ever went with him. because the pain i feel hurts so bad.

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