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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > Lost Love > I lost my love, and my heart

I lost my love, and my heart
by Mari
The name of the boy I fell in love with was Michael...Michael had just gotten to school, he was so cute.That same day that he arrived in school I introduced myself to him..and from that day on me and him became the best of friends..We told eachother everything...

After about 9 month's of being friends, Michael confessed to me that he liked me...and I confessed the same to him. Me and Michael went through so much together whille going out. He was everything to me. He was the one who could make me laugh when no one else could...He was the one who gave my life reason. He showed me what love was...Me and Michael ran away together, because my mother didn't really approve of me having a boyfriend, she had come from a very strick hispanic family and she turned out to be just like her parents. Me and Michael of coarse got caught..We left North Carolina and got caught in Georga, on our way to Texas..I got taken way, and sent back to NC...Michael went to Texas...

About a month later he returned..Thing's didn't change we still loved eachother more than life...When my mom found out that he had returned to North Carolina she shipped me away to Florida with my and Michael kept contact...But something was wrong..I don't know who began to change first..but thing's just werent working out...Michael went back to Texas..And soon I didn't hear from him for many days...I had to be constant in calling him because he wouldn't call me..

Soon after words me and Michael got into a big fight and he told me that thing's just werent the same anymore...We hadn't seen each other in three months and he missed me so much and was lonley...I realized that I was no longer able to make him happy...No matter how much I love him it wouldn't be enough...So that day I said good bye to my love...He called me once in awhille after words but I just couldn't go on being his friend because it was hurtting me to much..I told Michael I'd wait for him forever and I will...I will never love another the way I loved Michael..Maybe one day I will see him again, but if not I will have him in my memories and in my heart and with me for eternity.

I dedicate with story to the man to whom I love, and shall alway's love...I'm here waiting for you...Yours Truly now and forever...

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