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Forever in Love...
by Dawn
It all started when i met him at my city's rec ceter. He was and my friend lindsay started to play basketball, and luckily he came up to us and started talking to me. we clicked right away, and when it was time to leave i could kind of see that he was apprehensive to ask for my number. I took the initiative and with the help of lindsay I asked him for his number, and we exchanged them. Later that day, while spending the night at Lindsays house, my phone started to ring. it was him, and with all my excitment i answered. we talked until the late hours of the night, 2 AM to be exact. we talked abotu everything from love to realtionships to what we like in a partner. After long hours of talking , i decided that i should probably hang up. so i said goodnight and dreamed about him that day. I didnt know what i should do, whether it be call him or let him call me again. i waited a couple days when i decided to call him. He asked me what i was doing the next day, and i told him nothing and he asked me to meet him at the rec again. so the next day we met there and he was with his friends and i with mine,and we started talking again. Days past and we hung out more and more.
It was the fourth of July, and his friends and mine all hung out that day. It was the day where we all hooked up, and we became closer then ever. The next day was when i made the biggest mistake of my life and i will regret this until the day that i die. my friends and I went over his friends house, where he and his friend jeff were there. i didnt know how he would react after the day that he hooked up, and i thought that it was going to be a one day thing and we just would remain friends. i found out that he asked his friend why i wasnt talking to him. i was nervous and i didnt know where we would go from there. my friedn wanted to leave becasue she didnt feel like staying and i just left. He thought that i left because he thought that i didnt like him. Driving away was the biggest mistake of my life. About a week passed with no phone calls or seeing each other, but we saw each other again at the rec. Of course we talked and remained in touch, but things just werent the same. we became good friends instead of possible more than friends. I became interested in someone else, and we started dating.
One day i was walking my new bf home past his house after talking with his brother. I walked him halfway to his house and then came back to talk with his brother but then he came out. his brother goes "yeah you just missed dawn and her bf walkin past here" and he goes "oh shit i woulda beat his ass". It was funny but i didnt know what it meant, if it was because he hated that we were together or if he was just lookin out for me. I took that as he was becoming my big brother and watchin out for me.
Months past and we remained friends. We saw each other occasionally, giving off diferent feelings everytime we saw each other. We both kept the same feelings for each other, but still he dated other poeple, as i did.
But one day I drove him home and i was askin him who he likes. He told me a girl that goes to my school and she looks like me and it was me. I should have asked him why the hell it took him so long to say that again, but i didnt think anything of it and i ignored it. So thats our story as of now, but recently i coinceidently went to his work and we talked, and he gave me his new phone number. i have yet to call him, and im debating if that is a good choice. i really love him and i hope we can finally be together someday, even if it is for one day, i will be the happiest woman on earth.

I dedicate this to my one and only..TM..ill always love you

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