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You are Here: Home > Love Stories > My First Love > the beginning never told me we would bump onto eachother again

the beginning never told me we would bump onto eachother again
by Lauren
it was the summer of 1996. we met through your sister and we were only 8 and 9 years old. i stayed at ur house one night and after i left the next day, you had told your sister that you liked me. your sister told my sister and my sister told me. well, 7 years passed, we had forgotten about eachother, and it was 2003. one thing do remamber though is that throughout all those years, i always asked my sister if it was you that had a crush on me or your twin brother....she told me it was you, shane. but as i was saying it was 2003 and i was in 8th grade and almost a freshman in high school, the middle school was getting a tour of fort dodge senior high. all of the 8th graders sat in the student center and 3 freshman were explaining what high school was like, and what we need to know. you and your brother were 2 of the freshman explaining things. i took one look at you and i knew you looked familiar. you guys introduced yourselves and as soon as you said your name i remembered. i wanted to talk to you so bad but i was scared. so i went home and told my sister who i saw and she just happend to be talking to your sister. my sister told your sister about how i was attracted to you. your sister told u. you got all excited and told your sister to take me to your first baseball game. i ended up going and we went on our first date about a month later. school had started again and i was finally a freshman, you were a sophomore. i saw you on the first day of school and we had kept in touch all summer but we were still a bit shy. ill never forget the day we started goin steady. we had classes right across the hall from eachother and a girl you were friends with saw you and i walking together after class. you went off to class and and the girl that saw us walking together came up to me and asked "are you guys going out?" i said no, i wish. so we sat and talked about you and i mentioned how i had met you when we were little and we just ran into eachother after 7 years of not seeing eachother. later that day at lunch she came back up to me and asked me if i wanted her to ask you out for me. i told her sure. i was sooo nervous. i met her after school and you said you would think about it. it was a friday and you had a football game. after the game we met up on the bleachers by your dad and sister. you sat next to me and we watched the varsity game. you held my hand. i was soo happy and nervous. by the time the game was over, we went to our houses and the next day my sister called your sister to aske her if you had given the question any thought. you told your sister you said yes!!! its been a long and fun journey. we've had our ups and downs like any other couple. i got to know you and i know that i love you and i know i am in love. we havnt rushed anything and i hope that we spend the rest of our lives together. i think it is soo cool how we met so many years ago and you liked me back then. also its kinda funny how over all those years i was always asking my sister which twin liked me, and why i was so curious i think it was because something was saying we were gonna meet up again and be together. 7 years later we meet up again and its an automatic attraction. now i am a senior in high school and he is a freshman in college, you do the math, how long has it been? awhile! high school sweethearts, best friends, and hopefully together for life.

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