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The story about how we met...
by Shanda
On-line love really can happen!! How i met the love of my life.One night it was late and i could not sleep so i got online to chat,Started looking threw the chat rooms and went into the idaho chat room and started searching profiles and came upon one that really caught my intrest so i im's him and we started to chat about nothing really.I found myself not wanting to go to bed i did not want to stop chatting with this guy.He sent me a pic of him and in the prosses of me sending mine which took a while he hung up and went to bed so i emailed him to let him know how rude i thought he was hanging up on me,well the next morning i got online and there he was he im's me to tell me that he had to be up early that morning to go and pick his son up so anyway we chatted again for a while and i really started to like this guy and after 2 days we were already talking about wanting to meet so we talked for almost a week when we decided that he would make the drive to come and see me which was 271 miles,we talked on the phone for the first time the night before he came to my house for about two hours and then he called me the next night and asked if i still wanted him to come and i said yes so he came on saturday night and stayed until monday.On monday when he had to leave it was so sad i cried so hard as i watched him drive away i thought i would never see this man again i was very upset i really liked him alot and wanted to see him again very badly i felt i could not wait.He said he would call when he got home so that i would know that he made it okay,well it was a three hour drive and four hours had gone bye and no phone call so i called his cell and got the voice mail and i left a message to call soon,About five minutes later my phone rang and it was a collect call from a jail so i took the call and it was darren telling me that he was pulled over for speeding and had gotten a dwp so he needed some one to come and get him with out a thought about it i went he was about 2 hours away,I packed my kids in the car and away i drove and we have been together ever since,We went and started moving my stuff the next day.....

this is for you darren I LOVE YOU SO MUCH just want you to know that...

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