There Then Gone |
by Suzanne |
You were my best friend since 1st grade.
You spoke the same as i did.
You helped me when i fell or when i was mad or sad when Spade made me mad.
You made my day when it was ruined.
I hate it when we fight though because after that i cut my hand with something sharp.
You knew but couldn't say anything but you saw it was sharp.
And at night you would call to check on me to see if i was cutting myself.
But when i picked up you said that i had to stop and i didn't.
Right after that i hung up.
As i again started to carve.
The very next day was graduation and i wanted to apoligize but i found out you moved.
After that i felt so sad so lonely.
No one would make my day.
Or say to the bullies to get out of my way.
I no this poem doesn't rhyme but I want to dedicate it to my Ex best friend Vyvyan.
She was possibly the best friend i ever had and i wish she was still here but i wrote this poem with my heart as everytime i read it i start to fall apart to tears.
<3 Vyvyan i'll never forget her
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