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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Desired Love > Moonkissed Skin and Cornflower Eyes

Moonkissed Skin and Cornflower Eyes
by Kelly Lane

I seek the touch of my beauty with the moon kissed skin,
I feel the gaze of cornflower eyes, my heart beats until I sigh.
Her love, my eternal quest, against her flesh is where I rest.
I seek the times we’ve shared in the past,
I seek our love and pray it lasts.
A tender look and passions own kiss,
A million days and more I’ll miss.
Remembrances of times we’ve shared,
Missing this, my soul ensnared.
In friendship began, In love we grew,
Our love divine, the world is our pew.
Passion and emotion, Needs and desires,
Our time together burns hotter than a pyre.
Hopes seem tattered, dreams seem unmade,
If we pray together, Our souls need not abrade.
A Moon shines down and blesses our pair,
The mother herself has graced my lady fair.
Lying in bed, we’ve loved days away,
Lying in bed, in pleasure we sway.
Bodies entwined, breath becomes short,
Parting from each other, a last resort.
Before our meeting, in darkness I did abide,
Before our love, my soul did cry.
Before Our first touch, in dreams she walked,
Before our first kiss, at love did I balk.
After our meeting, with light I was filled,
After our love started, my soul was thrilled.
After our first touch, in dreams she danced,
After our first kiss, my heart was enhanced.
A time of parting, I pray it won’t last,
A hope for our hopes, our love a repast.
I sit alone, wanting her without caution,
I sit alone, my body in exhaustion.

Resigned to the truth, my heart doth scream,
Resigned to reality, my soul is reamed.
My desire foiled, my wants broken,
I’ve gone too far, there is no token.
The moods they shift, the hearts pull away,
I wish and beg that she might stay.
A life of pain, a life of toil,
A life undone, take me back to the soil.
I live now without certainty,
I wish again for serenity.
I seek my focus, I seek the pain to cease,
I seek anew a fresh found peace.
I try not to lose my faith, I try not to lose my truth,
I try and try to find what is sooth.
I try to hold on to my sweet dear heart,
I try to keep my selves apart.
A shortening time of joy, time is now not my friend,
It brings closer and closer where all things end.
I keep hope close to my chest,
I keep memories in my minds place of rest.
I wish for the promised future,
I seek some kind of metaphysic suture.
I seek her heart, I seek her kiss,
I seek the presence I’ll forever miss.
My heart once healed, again now bleeds,
I seek the love that I most need.

My nights are spent with my love at my side,
Her moods they shift and with mine coincide.
Two souls entwined, two hearts beat as one,
We both dread when this time is done.
Beneath my skin my beast does roil,
For our love we both do toil.
My love is true, my heart is pure,
My dearest beloved, her heart is sure.
We seek our peace, we seek our joy,
We seek our hopes, we are not coy.

Through months and years gone by,
Our bond is strong, our hearts do sigh.
We maintain hope in the face of adversity,
We beseech each and every deity.

We pray to the father, we pray to the mother,
We seek help from every quarter.
Plans we’ve made and needs we’ve shared,
Through our writings, our souls are bared.
Through all Past times and all past lives,
They give us strength, we know we must strive.

I wish and question, I seek and yearn,
The answers to my questions, these I must learn.
We love and we touch, We kiss and we care,
We talk more our needs we share.
Our hearts want what our hearts want, It’s each other we need
It’s each other we want, each other indeed.
Our time slips past, we feel it’s loss,
We wish for more time, we know times cost.
Her eyes give me hope, her words give me strength
For our love I’ll go any length.
My sweet one and I strive to heal one another,
For our love I beg the sure mother.
We read each other’s words, and them read them again,
These words give us strength, they give us gain.
Once again We seek our loves touch,
We wish for our time, We try to enjoy what is hers and mine.
I watch her move, I listen to her voice,
I can’t help but to love I have no choice.

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