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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Desired Love > she sits alone in a shadow of darkness

she sits alone in a shadow of darkness
by The Dent Devils

In a room full of happiness
She sits so depressed
In a shadow of darkness
On a never-ending search

A search for happiness
A search for success.
The opposite of what she feels is her,

She can't leave her shadowy corner
Her corner full of darkness & hate
She can't leave the bad memories of her child hood behind,
That brings her so much sadness & pain
In every one she sees her Mom and her dad

So many people
So many times I have tried to guide her away
But in the shadowy of darkness
It is all she has ever known

Its not something
That I can explain
The complete emptiness & hate
Is what keeps her sane.

People don't understand
Why she stays there all day
As she slowly watches
Herself decay.

In the shadow of darkness
She sees only black and white
In the shadow of darkness
There is nothing bright.

Memories begin to flood
Memories that bring pain
Memories so faint,
Yet so vein

In the shadow of darkness
She feels she must never leave
In the shadow of darkness
She must forever grieve

She doesn't understand
And always asks
Why am I so different from every one else?
Why doesn't any one take the time to under stand me?
Why can't they see I am right and they are all wrong?
Why are people such complete critical assholes of every thing I try and do, they show no compassion!
How can they be so arrogant & cruel?
When it is them that has the problems.
Not me not I
All I wanted to be as a child was loved by them !
But they left me in the dark shadowy corner.
When I was only a child
dam them , dam you !
For not taking the time to see me, help me , LOVE ME !
I was just a helpless child !

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