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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > Desired Love > The Anonymous Valentine

The Anonymous Valentine
by Ashleigh Judith Wilson
You may think i'm clumsy and wrong footed,
But you had not seen me that day.

That day i snuck into the classroom before anyone else, and then back out again, as though nothing had happened,
As though all was untouched.

And Upon entering all took their seats without a bother,
All but one.

You stare at your table half in shock,
Half in a blush,
Never had you recieved a Valentine before.

A single white rose wrapped in simple brown paper, decorated with a red ribbon and a small note.

I sit at my desk, watching from a far as you gently pick up the rose and take in it's scent. A most beautiful smile spreads across your lips.

Oh You lips, Your beautiful, beautiful lips.
Those lips which just draw me near, those lips which i long to feel against mine, Those lips, Your lips.

Then you pick up the note, and read.

"Rhapsody, Perhaps you know me and without realising will see me several times through your day, Or, perhaps you won't. Perhaps you know who I am, and how i feel about you, Or perhaps you don't. I Love You, and I ask now simply for you to be my Valentine, Yours Truly, Anonymous."

Yes, i had not the strength to sign my own name, For fear of rejection or hate. Not many like myself are accepted into this world, and in an all girls' school, ha i think not.

So I chose to stay low and out of sight, with only the knowledge of your happiness, and the picture of that smile engraved into my memory, where it would stay for many years to come.

Oh Rhapsody, If only you knew, it was not one of the sex-crazed boys from the neighbouring boy's school, but rather I, Beka, the girl who has loved you for nearly 3 years now and with no acknowledgement,
save for the accidental glace here and there.

Perhaps one day I will have the courage to tell you, Or perhaps you'll wake up one morning and you'll just know. Or perhaps not.

I know fairy tales are not to be lived in, however much i try, but it gives me comfort in the knowledge that though i can not have you in life, you are mine in the land of make-believe.

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