All I ever wanted,
Was someone just like you,
Someone to love me just for me,
Make me happy when I was blue.
All I ever wanted,
Was someone who would care,
Someone who would treat me right,
And when I needed them be there.
All I ever wanted,
Was not to feel alone,
For someone to hold me in their arms,
and for all the pain to go,
All I ever wanted,
Was someone to wipe away my tears,
Tell me that everything was going to be fine,
And stay with me through the years.
All I ever wanted,
Was someone to give my heart to,
Someone to see the true me,
That person would be you.
You came into my life,
You gave me all I needed,
For the first time ever,
I felt like I’d succeeded,
You loved me just for being me,
You made me joyful when I was blue,
For the first time ever I was truly happy,
My heart was stuck to you like glue,
You cared for me just perfect,
You treated me the best,
I never realized I could feel real love,
I never would have guessed,
You made me feel so useful,
So happy and so loved,
You held me in you arms at night,
And called me your angel from above,
You wiped away my tears,
You told me you’d never leave,
Turned my frown upside down,
And helped me once again to breathe,
so this poem is a thankyou,
for being who you are,
the person im in love with,
my one true shining star.