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You are Here: Home > Love Poems > First Love > FIRST LOVE CAME AND GONE

by Erica
I sit here crying inside feeling lonely,
but with a smile on and it's phony.
I pretend that I don't even care,
but guilt and pain on my heart I do wear.

It's been many cold, lonely days,
since it happened to us, some way.
We spent so much time together,
we thought we'd be one forever!

When I think of your handsome face,
I feel so much pain my heart starts to race.
I miss looking into your eyes,
I don't understand what happened or why.

But all I know is I feel so much pain,
and with you I have so much left to gain.
Why do things have to happen this way?
I don't even know what's left to say.

I just want to be in your arms embrace,
one more time, to just see your face.
I want to kiss your tender lips,
and you to hold me by my hips.

I pray to God every night,
and I won't ever give up the fight.
But as each day passes me by,
I lay and stare into the sky,

Wondering where you are,
and if you still love me from afar?
I hold you dear to my heart,
and our souls shall never part!

Wanting to apologize for everything I've done,
with you I had so much fun.
But I took it all for granted in the end,
and now without you my heart will never mend!

So I let each day go as God plans,
even though in my heart, I dread what stands.
Hoping God will lead me to you,
because in my heart, I know that we're true!

I miss you so much it's making me ill,
You're the only thing that can make me better, my pill.
So just remember as you live your life,
I still dream of one day being your wife.

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